Step Templates
A step template is a JSON representation of a step function. There are two ways to get this representation: 1) manually create the JSON based on the properties of the step function or 2) use the provided annotations when creating the step and run the metalus-utils metadata extractor utility to scan step jars and produce the JSON.
In order to generate the proper step template, start with a step function:
def readFromPath(path: String, options: DataFrameReaderOptions = DataFrameReaderOptions(),
pipelineContext: PipelineContext): DataFrame = {
DataFrameSteps.getDataFrameReader(options, pipelineContext).load(path)
This step function is required to exist within a scala object. The example step function has three parameters, one of which is a PipelineContext. The path and options parameters must be represented in the step template, but the pipelineContext parameter is a special library parameter that should not be a part of the step template.
Metadata Extractor
The easiest way to generate step templates is to add an annotation to the step object and step function that may be scanned using the metadata extractor utility. The StepFunction annotation provides information that cannot be gathered from the step function as well as mark the function as being a step. The annotation must be fully filled in with the following parameters: id, displayName, description, type, category. A description of each is provided in the JSON Step Template section. The StepParameters annotation provides additional information for each parameter. The description being the most important since it cannot be derived.
"Load DataFrame from HDFS path",
"This step will read a dataFrame from the given HDFS path",
@StepParameters(Map("path" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, None, None, Some("The HDFS path to load data into the DataFrame")),
"options" -> StepParameter(None, Some(false), None, None, None, None, Some("The options to use when loading the DataFrameReader"))))
The scala object containing the step function(s) must have the StepObject annotation. Here is a complete list of annotations.
The metadata extractor utility will infer the remaining information from the function itself. Tags will be automatically populated with the name of the jar file where the step function was located.
In the absence of annotated code, the step template can be manually created.
JSON Step Template
Below is a step template based on the example step function. The first five attributes cannot be pulled from the step function. Either an annotation must be provided or the step function developer would need to provide the information.
"id": "87db259d-606e-46eb-b723-82923349640f",
"displayName": "Load DataFrame from HDFS path",
"description": "This step will read a dataFrame from the given HDFS path",
"type": "Pipeline",
"category": "InputOutput",
"params": [
"type": "text",
"name": "path",
"required": false,
"parameterType": "String"
"type": "object",
"name": "options",
"required": false,
"className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.DataFrameReaderOptions",
"parameterType": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.DataFrameReaderOptions"
"engineMeta": {
"spark": "HDFSSteps.readFromPath",
"pkg": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps",
"results": {
"primaryType": "org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame"
"tags": [
Metadata Attributes
These attributes provide basic information about the step function. The displayName attribute may be used during pipeline execution for logging, but otherwise these attributes are not required for execution.
- id - A unique GUID which can be used to identify this step function
- displayName - A short name that may be presented to a user in a UI
- description - A longer explanation of what this step does
- type - The type of step. It can be one of the following values: Pipeline, pipeline, branch, fork, join or step-group
- category - Represents a group which this step should belong. This is useful for UIs and queries to provide a common grouping of steps
Tags provide an additional layer of grouping within a query or UI. In the example above, the name of the jar file(s) which contained the step functions have been added. Tags are free form strings that can be anything.
Engine Meta
The engine meta section contains the metadata required to execute the step function at runtime. The spark attribute
is required and must contain the object name containing the step function and the function name. It should be in the form
of **
The results attribute is not required, but is useful in indicating what a step function may return. This information may be used in the future as a way to verify that step mappings are compatible. Step function can only return a single value, but using the PipelineStepResponse class, multiple values may be returned. The primaryType value will either be the actual return type or if a PipelineResponse is returned, the developer may choose to provide an additional annotation which indicates the return type for primary and secondary. The attribute secondaryTypes may be added as a JSON object containing name value pairs.
The params array contains all of the step function parameters except those of type PipelineContext. Each parameter has seven possible parameters:
- type - The parameter type. Must be one of: integer, list, boolean, script, scalaScript, string, text, result, object
- name - The name of the parameter. This must match the name of the parameter on the step function.
- description - Describes what this parameter should do.
- required - Boolean flag indicating whether the requirement of this value
- defaultValue - An optional default value that will be used when no value is provided
- language - An optional script language this parameter expects the value to conform. This should only be present if the type is set to script
- className - If the type is object, then this should represent the fully qualified class name that is expected
- parameterType - An optional attribute that represents the fully qualified class name (or primitive name) of the step function parameter. This may be set regardless of type
Branch Steps
Branch steps differ from all other steps in that additional params of type result may be added which are used to determine the next step which will be executed. The name of these parameters must match the possible primary return type value. Only branch steps should have result types and must contain at least one. There is no limit to the number of result parameters that may be added.
Scala Script Parameters
Step parameters given a type of scalascript will be compiled and evaluated, with the result of the script passed to the step. These scripts consist of a binding section and a scala script. The bindings section must be enclosed by parenthesis. Each binding contains a name, value, and type, broken out as <name>:<value>:<type>. Multiple bindings can be provided using a comma separated list. Colons can be escaped using a backslash. A sample scala script is provided below:
(list:@GetList:Option[List[String]],pattern:!mypattern || [a-z]+:String)
// script
list.getOrElse(List()).filter(s => s.matches(pattern))