
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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Application Example

This example will demonstrate how to create a Metalus Application and highlight several of the most powerful features. A simple ETL process that will load a flat file containing orders data, credit card data, customer data and product data. The first execution will be responsible for reading the data into a DataFrame which will be shared with the individual executions for further processing.

The product, customer, credit card and orders executions will wait until the ROOT execution completes and then execute in parallel if there are enough resources.

Once complete, a final execution will write the data to a Mongo database.

Parameter Mappings will be used throughout this example to demonstrate the reusable nature of Pipelines. Several application parameters provided will be used for mapping. Since application parameters get automatically added to the Globals, the values can be accessed using the global mapping syntax:

Command Line Parameter Global Syntax
input_url !input_url
input_format !input_format
input_separator !input_separator
mongoURI !mongoURI

Step mappings will also be used. Below is a table showing the mappings used in the first execution pipeline:

Step Name Step Syntax

Note that the @ syntax will automatically pull the primaryReturn of the step response and not the entire step response.

Example Code

All the code exists in this project as a way to quick start. This example will highlight and explain each of the features including how to make a step.

The application-example.json configuration and orders.csv file are available in the metalus-examples/mock_data directory.

Application configuration

Create a new file named application-example.json and place it somewhere that can be reached once the application starts.

The initial file should have a basic structure that has configuration for the SparkConf, stepPackages, globals, and an empty executions array.

  "sparkConf": {
    "kryoClasses": [
    "setOptions": [
        "name": "",
        "value": ",,,,"
  "stepPackages": [
  "globals": {
    "GlobalLinks": {
      "productDataFrame": "!PROD.pipelineParameters.b3171af2-618a-471e-937f-e1b4971e56cd.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn",
      "customerDataFrame": "!CUST.pipelineParameters.53155d7a-6295-4e6c-83f4-d52ef3eabc5e.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn",
      "creditCardDataFrame": "!CC.pipelineParameters.197b5aa0-3c87-481e-b335-8979f565b4b4.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn",
      "orderDataFrame": "!ORD.pipelineParameters.c1722916-1c7f-46cd-bcff-ec9c4edb6b7f.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn"
  "executions": []

The globals object contains a GlobalLinks sub-object that contains linked global names referencing the dataframes that will be used by the other executions.

The inputFileDataFrame dataframe will be used by the PROD, CUST, CC and ORD executions. The GlobalLink definition allows the pipeline to reference !inputFileDataFrame instead of the full path: !ROOT.pipelineParameters.f2dc5894-fe7d-4134-b0da-e5a3b8763a6e.LOADFILESTEP.primaryReturn.

Additional GlobalLinks have been defined for the output of the PROD, CUST, CC and ORD executions which will be referenced in the SAVE execution.

First Execution

The first execution will be responsible for the following actions:

  • Parse header
  • Create schema
  • Load orders.csv

Three steps will be created and added to the InputOutputSteps object. Each step will provide proper annotations. Step annotations make it easier to generate the JSON metadata used in building JSON pipelines.


The readHeader step will only work with local files.

  • Create a function named readHeader and declare three parameters:
    • url: String
    • format: String
    • separator: Option[String]
  • Give the function a return type of List[String]
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):
    val input = new FileInputStream(url)
    val head = Source.fromInputStream(input).getLines().next()

Lastly, add the following annotations to the new function:

    "Read header from a file",
    "This step will load the first line of a file and parse it into column names",
  @StepParameters(Map("url" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The file url")),
  "format" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The file format")),
  "separator" -> StepParameter(None, Some(false), None, None, description = Some("The column separator"))))


  • Create a function named createSchema and declare one parameter:
    • columnNames: List[String]
  • Give the function a return type of StructType
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):
    StructType(, StringType, nullable = true)))

Lastly, add the following annotations to the new function:

    "Create a DataFrame schema",
    "This step will create a DataFrame schema from a list of column names",
  @StepParameters(Map("columnNames" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The list of column names"))))


  • Create a function named loadFileWithSchema and declare five parameters:
    • url: String
    • format: String
    • separator: Option[String]
    • schema: Option[StructType]
    • pipelineContext: PipelineContext
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):
    val dfr = if (separator.isDefined) {"sep", separator.get.toCharArray.head.toString)
    } else {

    val finalDF = if (schema.isEmpty) {
    } else {

      Some(Map("$globalLink.inputFileDataFrame" ->

Lastly, add the following annotations to the new function:

    "Load File as Data Frame with schema",
    "This step will load a file from the provided URL using the provided schema",
  @StepParameters(Map("url" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The file url")),
    "format" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The file format")),
    "separator" -> StepParameter(None, Some(false), None, None, description = Some("The column separator")),
    "schema" -> StepParameter(None, Some(false), None, None, description = Some("The optional schema to use"))))

Note: The existing loadFile function was refactored to call the new loadFileWithSchema function and pass None as the schema parameter.

JSON Pipeline

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


Starting with the basic body:

  "id": "f2dc5894-fe7d-4134-b0da-e5a3b8763a6e",
  "name": "Load Data Pipeline",
  "steps": []

Parse header

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "100b2c7d-c1fb-5fe2-b9d1-dd9fff103272",
	"displayName": "Read header from a file",
	"description": "This step will load the first line of a file and parse it into column names",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "url",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_url"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "format",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_format"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "separator",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_separator"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.readHeader"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Create schema

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "61f8c038-e632-5cad-b1c6-9da6034dce5c",
	"displayName": "Create a DataFrame schema",
	"description": "This step will create a DataFrame schema from a list of column names",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"nextStepId": "LOADFILESTEP",
	"params": [
		"type": "list",
		"name": "columnNames",
		"required": true,
		"value": "@READHEADERSTEP"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.createSchema"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Load orders.csv

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "cba8a6d8-88b6-50ef-a073-afa6cba7ca1e",
	"displayName": "Load File as Data Frame with schema",
	"description": "This step will load a file from the provided URL using the provided schema",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "url",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_url"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "format",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_format"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "separator",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_separator"
		"type": "text",
		"name": "schema",
		"required": true,
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.loadFileWithSchema"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Save the Pipeline JSON

Open the application-example.json and create an entry in the executions array.

  "id": "ROOT",
  "pipelineIds": []

Save the pipeline id to the pipelineIds array.

Extraction Executions (PROD, CUST, CC, ORD)

Each execution will run a very similar pipeline that with different parameter mappings. In order to reduce the amount of duplication, a step-group will be used. Each pipeline will use the inputFileDataFrame GlobalLink to as the source DataFrame and perform various transformation tasks on the data. Each pipeline will generate a new DataFrame which has been mapped as a GlobalLink in the application configuration making it available to the final execution.

The details for the TransformationStep steps can be found in the common-pipeline-steps library.
The Schema and Transformations objects passed to the steps should be added to the Globals section above of the Application (details provided in each extraction pipeline sections below).

Adhere to Schema Step Group

A new JSON pipeline needs to be created that can be shared with the execution pipelines.

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


Starting with the basic body:

  "id": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a",
  "name": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
  "category": "step-group",
  "stepGroupResult": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP",
  "steps": []

The category specifies that this pipeline is a step-group and can be used inside other pipelines. The stepGroupResult specifies the primary output value. This is an optional setting that allows the pipeline designer to specify which value should be presented to the caller.

Map Fields Step

Create the step json:

      "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
      "stepId": "8f9c08ea-4882-4265-bac7-2da3e942758f",
      "displayName": "Maps new data to a common schema",
      "description": "Creates a new DataFrame mapped to an existing schema",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "inputDataFrame",
          "required": true,
          "value": "!dataFrame"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "destinationSchema",
          "required": true,
          "value": "!destinationSchema"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "transforms",
          "required": false,
          "value": "!destinationTransforms"
          "type": "boolean",
          "name": "addNewColumns",
          "required": true,
          "value": false
      "engineMeta": {
        "spark": "TransformationSteps.mapDataFrameToSchema"

Add this as the only entry in the steps array.


A new step will be created to perform grouping:

  • Open the object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named GroupingSteps
  • Create a function named groupByField and declare two parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • groupField: String
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function:
    dataFrame.groupBy( => dataFrame( _*).agg(dataFrame(groupByField))

Lastly, add the following annotations to the new function:

    "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
    "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
  @StepParameters(Map("dataFrame" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The DataFrame to group")),
    "groupByField" -> StepParameter(None, Some(true), None, None, description = Some("The column name to use for grouping"))))

Extract Product Data Execution (PROD)

This execution will extract the product data from the initial DataFrame. The newly created step group will be used to do extraction while the new step will be used to perform grouping.

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


JSON body:

  "id": "b3171af2-618a-471e-937f-e1b4971e56cd",
  "name": "Extract Product Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
      "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
      "stepId": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a",
      "displayName": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "description": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "type": "step-group",
      "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "pipelineId",
          "required": true,
          "value": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a"
          "type": "object",
          "name": "pipelineMappings",
          "required": true,
          "value": {
            "dataFrame": "!inputFileDataFrame",
            "destinationSchema": {
              "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Schema",
              "value": {
                "attributes": [
                    "name": "PRODUCT_NAME",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "PRODUCT_ID",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "COST",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "Double"
      "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
      "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
      "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "dataFrame",
          "required": true,
          "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "groupByField",
          "required": true,
          "value": "PRODUCT_ID"
      "engineMeta": {
        "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

This first step defines the step group created earlier with two parameters:

  • pipelineId - The id of the step group pipeline
  • pipelineMappings - The custom values to be processed by the step-group pipeline.
    • dataFrame - This is the DataFrame created by the root execution
    • destinationSchema - This example builds out the schema object using JSON object syntax. which will be responsible for setting the column order, column names, and data types on output. The transforms parameter will not be provided since no aliases or transformations will be used for this pipeline.

The execution will be added in the executions array after the initial execution

  "id": "PROD",
  "pipelineIds": [
  "parents": [

Extract Customer Data Pipeline (CUST)

This execution will extract the customer data from the initial DataFrame. The newly created step group will be used to do extraction while the new step will be used to perform grouping.

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


JSON body:

  "id": "53155d7a-6295-4e6c-83f4-d52ef3eabc5e",
  "name": "Extract Customer Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
      "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
      "stepId": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a",
      "displayName": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "description": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "type": "step-group",
      "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "pipelineId",
          "required": true,
          "value": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a"
          "type": "object",
          "name": "pipelineMappings",
          "required": true,
          "value": {
            "dataFrame": "!inputFileDataFrame",
            "destinationSchema": {
              "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Schema",
              "value": {
                "attributes": [
                    "name": "CUSTOMER_ID",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "Integer"
                    "name": "FIRST_NAME",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "LAST_NAME",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "POSTAL_CODE",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "GENDER_CODE",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "EIN",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "EMAIL",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "String"
                    "name": "FULL_NAME",
                    "dataType": {
                      "baseType": "STRING"
            "destinationTransforms": {
              "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Transformations",
              "value": {
                "columnDetails": [
                    "outputField": "GENDER_CODE",
                    "inputAliases": ["GENDER"],
                    "expression": "upper(substring(GENDER_CODE,0,1))"
                    "outputField": "FULL_NAME",
                    "inputAliases": [],
                    "expression": "concat(initcap(FIRST_NAME), ' ', initcap(LAST_NAME))"
      "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
      "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
      "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "dataFrame",
          "required": true,
          "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "groupByField",
          "required": true,
          "value": "CUSTOMER_ID"
      "engineMeta": {
        "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

This first step defines the step group created earlier with two parameters:

  • pipelineId - The id of the step group pipeline
  • pipelineMappings - The custom values to be processed by the step-group pipeline.
    • dataFrame - This is the DataFrame created by the root execution
    • destinationSchema - This example builds out the schema object using JSON object syntax. which will be responsible for setting the column order, column names, and data types on output.
    • destinationTransforms - This example builds out a transformation object that will rename GENDER to GENDER_CODE applying logic to only save the first character in upper case and adding a new field called FULL_NAME which is built from concatenating first name to last name.

The execution will be added in the executions array after the PROD execution

      "id": "CUST",
      "pipelineIds": [
      "parents": [

Extract Credit Card Data Pipeline (CC)

This execution will extract the credit card data from the initial DataFrame. The newly created step group will be used to do extraction while the new step will be used to perform grouping.

The following parameters should be added to the application globals which will be responsible for setting the column order, column names, and data types on output. Specifically, renaming CC_NUM to ACCOUNT_NUMBER, CC_TYPE to ACCOUNT_TYPE, and converting ACCOUNT_TYPE to uppercase:

"creditCardSchema": {
      "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Schema",
      "object": {
        "attributes": [
            "name": "CUSTOMER_ID",
            "dataType": "Integer"
            "name": "ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
            "dataType": "String"
            "name": "ACCOUNT_TYPE",
            "dataType": "String"
    "creditCardTransforms": {
      "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Transformations",
      "object": {
        "columnDetails": [
            "outputField": "ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
            "inputAliases": ["CC_NUM"],
            "expression": null
            "outputField": "ACCOUNT_TYPE",
            "inputAliases": ["CC_TYPE"],
            "expression": "upper(ACCOUNT_TYPE)"

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


JSON body:

  "id": "197b5aa0-3c87-481e-b335-8979f565b4b4",
  "name": "Extract Credit Card Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
      "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
      "stepId": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a",
      "displayName": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "description": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "type": "step-group",
      "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "pipelineId",
          "required": true,
          "value": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a"
          "type": "object",
          "name": "pipelineMappings",
          "required": true,
          "value": {
            "dataFrame": "!inputFileDataFrame",
            "destinationSchema": "!creditCardSchema",
            "destinationTransforms": "!creditCardTransforms"
      "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
      "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
      "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "dataFrame",
          "required": true,
          "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "groupByField",
          "required": true,
          "value": "CUSTOMER_ID"
      "engineMeta": {
        "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

This first step defines the step group created earlier with two parameters:

  • pipelineId - The id of the step group pipeline
  • pipelineMappings - The custom values to be processed by the step-group pipeline.
    • dataFrame - This is the DataFrame created by the root execution
    • destinationSchema - This example uses the global defined earlier.
    • destinationTransforms - This example uses the global defined earlier.

The execution will be added in the executions array after the CUST execution

      "id": "CC",
      "pipelineIds": [
      "parents": [

Extract Order Data Pipeline (ORD)

This execution will extract the order data from the initial DataFrame. The newly created step group will be used to do extraction while the new step will be used to perform grouping.

The following parameters should be added to the application globals which will be responsible for setting the column order, column names, and data types on output. Specifically, the ORDER_NUM field will be renamed to ORDER_ID:

"orderSchema": {
      "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Schema",
      "object": {
        "attributes": [
            "name": "ORDER_ID",
            "dataType": "String"
            "name": "CUSTOMER_ID",
            "dataType": "Integer"
            "name": "PRODUCT_ID",
            "dataType": "String"
            "name": "UNITS",
            "dataType": "Integer"
    "orderTransforms": {
      "className": "com.acxiom.pipeline.steps.Transformations",
      "object": {
        "columnDetails": [
            "outputField": "ORDER_ID",
            "inputAliases": ["ORDER_NUM"],
            "expression": null

This pipeline will be stored with the step library in a JSON file named:


JSON body:

  "id": "c1722916-1c7f-46cd-bcff-ec9c4edb6b7f",
  "name": "Extract Order Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
      "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
      "stepId": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a",
      "displayName": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "description": "Adhere DataFrame to Schema",
      "type": "step-group",
      "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "pipelineId",
          "required": true,
          "value": "07dc7c8e-7474-4b23-a108-0d8b551a404a"
          "type": "object",
          "name": "pipelineMappings",
          "required": true,
          "value": {
            "dataFrame": "!inputFileDataFrame",
            "destinationSchema": "!creditCardSchema",
            "destinationTransforms": "!orderTransforms"
      "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
      "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
      "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
      "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "params": [
          "type": "string",
          "name": "dataFrame",
          "required": true,
          "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
          "type": "string",
          "name": "groupByField",
          "required": true,
          "value": "ORDER_ID"
      "engineMeta": {
        "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

This first step defines the step group created earlier with two parameters:

  • pipelineId - The id of the step group pipeline
  • pipelineMappings - The custom values to be processed by the step-group pipeline.
    • dataFrame - This is the DataFrame created by the root execution
    • destinationSchema - This example uses the global defined earlier.
    • destinationTransforms - This example uses the global defined earlier.

The execution will be added in the executions array after the CC execution

      "id": "ORD",
      "pipelineIds": [
      "parents": [

Final Execution

Once the data has been loaded and processed into different forms, a final execution will be responsible for writing the data to a Mongo data store. This pipeline is only here to demonstrate the fork step for iterating over a list of values using the same steps. This example demonstrates how to wait on all the transformation executions completing before continuing to write.

The metalus-mongo step library will be required as well as the mongo spark connector jars.

Instead of storing the pipeline within a JSON file in a step library, this pipeline will be stored in the pipelines array in the application configuration after the globals declaration.

The first step is the fork step used to iterate over the list provided by the forkByValues parameter. An inline scalascript is used to generate a list of tuples that will be used for iteration. The forkMethod is set to parallel to allow Metalus to attempt to process each DataFrame at the same time.

  "pipelines": [
      "id": "470ffe46-5162-43e0-9ae9-ea9205efe256",
      "name": "Write Data Pipeline",
      "steps": [
          "id": "FORKSTEP",
          "type": "fork",
          "nextStepId": "SAVEDATA",
          "params": [
              "type": "scalascript",
              "name": "forkByValues",
              "required": true,
              "value": "(prodDF:!productDataFrame:org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame,custDF:!customerDataFrame,ccDF:!creditCardDataFrame,ordDF:!orderDataFrame:) List((\"products\", prodDF), (\"customers\", custDF), (\"creditCards\", ccDF), (\"orders\", ordDF))"
              "type": "text",
              "name": "forkMethod",
              "value": "serial"
          "id": "SAVEDATA",
          "type": "Pipeline",
          "params": [
              "type": "text",
              "name": "dataFrame",
              "required": true,
              "value": "@FORKSTEP._2"
              "type": "text",
              "name": "connector",
              "required": true,
              "value": "!mongoConnector"
              "type": "string",
              "name": "destination",
              "required": true,
              "value": "@FORKSTEP._1"
          "engineMeta": {
            "spark": "DataConnectorSteps.writeDataFrame"

The scalascript mapping was added to demonstrate the ability to dynamically build mappings. This prevents the need for unnecessary steps to massage data into a format that a step requires. A script may also have data mapped into the parameters. Notice how the first parameter uses the Global syntax to access the DataFrame produced by the PROD execution. Note that it is referencing the GlobalLink. Any mapping syntax can be used except embedded scalascript.

(prodDF:!productDataFrame:org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame,custDF:!customerDataFrame,ccDF:!creditCardDataFrame,ordDF:!orderDataFrame:) List((\"products\", prodDF), (\"customers\", custDF), (\"creditCards\", ccDF), (\"orders\", ordDF))

This simple mapping could have been accomplished with a map.

The save step uses the MongoDataConnector to handle the save action. The connector is reused for each collection allowing each fork to specify the collection name. The following should e added to the globals:

"mongoConnector": {
  "mapEmbeddedVariables": true,
  "className": "com.acxiom.metalus.pipeline.connectors.MongoDataConnector",
  "object": {
    "name": "MongoConnector",
    "uri": "!mongoURI"

Notice the uri attribute is set to !mongoURI. This will allow the command line parameter to be mapped to the connector when the application loads. The object uses the mapEmbeddedVariables attribute which indicates that this object should have embedded variables mapped.

Final Execution JSON

  "id": "SAVE",
  "pipelineIds": [
  "parents": [

Use existing DriverSetup

Since the configuration is completely JSON based, there is no need to create a new DriverSetup. The com.acxiom.pipeline.applications.DefaultApplicationDriverSetup is available to configure the execution plan using the JSON configuration that has been built.


An application jar is provided for the main jar and the metalus-common, metalus-mongo and metalus-examples jars provided to the –jars parameter.

The application commands below provide the proper templates to run the example:

  • <VERSION> - The current Metalus version
  • __ - The fully qualified path to the built jars
  • __ - The fully qualified path to the example data

Spark 2.4/Scala 2.11

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-mongo_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar,mongo-spark-connector_2.11-2.4.1.jar,mongo-java-driver-3.11.2.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.applications.DefaultApplicationDriverSetup \
--applicationConfigPath <data_location>/application-example.json \
--input_url <data_location>/orders.csv \
--input_format csv \
--input_separator , \
--mongoURI mongodb://localhost:27017/application_examples \
--logLevel DEBUG

Spark 3.0/Scala 2.12

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.12-spark_3.0-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.12-spark_3.0-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-mongo_2.12-spark_3.0-<VERSION>.jar,mongo-spark-connector_2.12-3.0.0.jar,mongodb-driver-sync-4.0.5.jar,mongodb-driver-core-4.0.5.jar,bson-4.0.5.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.12-spark_3.0-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.applications.DefaultApplicationDriverSetup \
--applicationConfigPath <data_location>/application-example.json \
--input_url <data_location>/orders.csv \
--input_format csv \
--input_separator , \
--mongoURI mongodb://localhost:27017/application_examples \
--logLevel DEBUG