
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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Simple ETL Example

This example was taken from the Spark Examples page and adapted to use the default pipeline driver. Below is a walk through of creating each of the required components required to read in a file, perform counts against the data and write the counts to disk.


Two steps are required to read and write files. This could be a single operation, but in order to be more reusable input and output will be broken apart.

  • Create a new object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named InputOutputSteps
  • Create a function name loadFile and declare four parameters:
    • url: String
    • format: String
    • separator: Option[String]
    • pipelineContext: PipelineContext
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):
val dfr = if (separator.isDefined) {"sep", separator.get.toCharArray.head.toString)
} else {

  • Create a function name writeJSONFile and declare two parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • url: String
  • Give the function a return type of Unit
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function:


There needs to be a step function created to do the counts.

  • Create a new object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named GroupingSteps
  • Create a function name countsByField and declare two parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • fieldName: String
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function:


The DriverSetup trait is the starting point of the application. The implementation is responsible for preparing the PipelineContext as well as supplying the pipelines that will be executed.

  • Create a new case class in com.acxiom.pipeline named SimpleDataDriverSetup.
  • Extend DriverSetup
  • Provide the following constructor:
(parameters: Map[String, Any])
  • Initialize the SparkConf:
private val sparkConf = new SparkConf().set("",
			",," +
				",org.apache." +
  • Initialize the SparkSession:
private val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
  • Initialize the PipelineContext:
private val ctx = PipelineContext(Some(sparkConf), Some(sparkSession), Some(parameters),
			PipelineParameters(List(PipelineParameter("SIMPLE_DATA_PIPELINE", Map[String, Any]()))),
			Some(if (parameters.contains("stepPackages")) {
			} else {
  • Map the three step functions to PipelineStep objects:
private val LOAD_FILE = PipelineStep(Some("LOADFILESTEP"),
	Some("Load File as Data Frame"),
	Some("This step will load a file from the provided URL"), Some("Pipeline"),
	Some(List(Parameter(Some("text"), Some("url"), Some(true), None, Some("!input_url")),
		Parameter(Some("text"), Some("format"), Some(true), None, Some("!input_format")),
		Parameter(Some("text"), Some("separator"), Some(false), None, Some("!input_separator")))),

private val PROCESS_DF = PipelineStep(Some("PROCESSDFSTEP"), Some("Counts By Field"),
	Some("Returns counts by the provided field name. The result is a data frame."), Some("Pipeline"),
	Some(List(Parameter(Some("text"), Some("fieldName"), Some(true), None, Some("!grouping_field")),
		Parameter(Some("text"), Some("dataFrame"), Some(true), None, Some("@LOADFILESTEP")))),

private val WRITE_FILE = PipelineStep(Some("WRITEFILESTEP"), Some("Write Data Frame to a json file"),
	Some("This step will write a DataFrame from the provided URL"), Some("Pipeline"),
	Some(List(Parameter(Some("text"), Some("url"), Some(true), None, Some("!output_url")),
		Parameter(Some("text"), Some("dataFrame"), Some(true), None, Some("@PROCESSDFSTEP")))),
  • Note: Special mapping instructions have been used to make this pipeline definition reusable:
    • !input_url - This will pull the value from the input_url global parameter. This should be provided as an application parameter.
    • !input_format - Like the input_url this will pull from the globals object.
    • !grouping_field - Like the input_url this will pull from the globals object.
    • !output_url - Like the input_url this will pull from the globals object.
    • @LOADFILESTEP - This will pull the primary return value of the LOADFILESTEP step.
    • @PROCESSDFSTEP - This will pull the primary return value of the PROCESSDFSTEP step.
  • Override the pipelines function to return an empty List:
override def pipelines: List[Pipeline] = List()
  • Override the initialPipelineId function to return an empty string.
  • Override the pipelineContext function:
override def pipelineContext: PipelineContext = ctx
  • Override the executionPlan function to return an list containing a single execution:
override def executionPlan: Option[List[PipelineExecution]] = Some(List(PipelineExecution("0",
	List(Pipeline(Some("SIMPLE_DATA_PIPELINE"), Some("Simple Data Example"),
		Some(List(LOAD_FILE, PROCESS_DF, WRITE_FILE)))), None, ctx, None)))


The code may be run using the provided application jar for the main jar and the metalus-common and metalus-examples jars provided to the –jars parameter.

Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.3:

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass  \
--input_url <location of input file> \
--input_format <csv, parquet, etc...> \
--input_separator , \
--grouping_field <field name to group by> \
--output_url <location to write the JSON file \
--logLevel DEBUG

Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.4:

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.ExecutionPlanDataDriverSetup \
--input_url <location of input file> \
--input_format <csv, parquet, etc...> \
--input_separator , \
--grouping_field <field name to group by> \
--output_url <location to write the JSON file \
--logLevel DEBUG