
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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Execution Plan Example

This example will demonstrate how to use an execution plan to create pipeline dependencies as well as execute pipelines in parallel.

There will be six pipelines that are executed:

  • ROOT - This is the first pipeline and is responsible for reading in the source file.
  • PROD - This pipeline will extract the product data from the ROOT DataFrame and group by the product id.
  • CUST - This pipeline will extract the customer data from the ROOT DataFrame and group by the customer id.
  • CC - This pipeline will extract the credit card data from the ROOT DataFrame and group by the customer id.
  • ORD - This pipeline will extract the order data from the ROOT DataFrame and group by the order num.
  • SAVE - This pipeline will write the data from the PROD, CUST, CC and ORD DataFrames into Mongo.

Example Code

All of the code exists in this project as a way to quick start, however below is a walk through of creating each of the required components.

The data file has been added in the mock_data directory.

First Pipeline

The first pipeline will be responsible for the following actions:

  • Parse header
  • Create schema
  • Load orders.csv

Three new steps are required to perform this process and will be added to the InputOutputSteps object:

Note: The readHeader step will only work with local files.

  • Create a function named readHeader and declare three parameters:
    • url: String
    • format: String
    • separator: Option[String]
  • Give the function a return type of List[String]
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):
val input = new FileInputStream(url)
	val head = Source.fromInputStream(input).getLines().next()
  • Create a function named createSchema and declare one parameter:
    • columnNames: List[String]
  • Give the function a return type of StructType
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):

      StructType(, StringType, nullable = true)))
  • Create a function named loadFileWithSchema and declare five parameters:
    • url: String
    • format: String
    • separator: Option[String]
    • schema: Option[StructType]
    • pipelineContext: PipelineContext
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function (Note: This code is slightly different in the example project):

      val dfr = if (separator.isDefined) {"sep", separator.get.toCharArray.head)
      } else {
      if (schema.isEmpty) {
      } else {

Note: The existing loadFile function was refactored to call the new loadFileWithSchema function and pass None as the schema parameter.


Starting with the basic body:

  "name": "Load Data Pipeline",
  "steps": []

Parse header

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "100b2c7d-c1fb-5fe2-b9d1-dd9fff103272",
	"displayName": "Read header from a file",
	"description": "This step will load the first line of a file and parse it into column names",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "url",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_url"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "format",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_format"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "separator",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_separator"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.readHeader"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Create schema

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "61f8c038-e632-5cad-b1c6-9da6034dce5c",
	"displayName": "Create a DataFrame schema",
	"description": "This step will create a DataFrame schema from a list of column names",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"nextStepId": "LOADFILESTEP",
	"params": [
		"type": "list",
		"name": "columnNames",
		"required": true,
		"value": "@READHEADERSTEP"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.createSchema"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Load orders.csv

Create the step json:

	"stepId": "cba8a6d8-88b6-50ef-a073-afa6cba7ca1e",
	"displayName": "Load File as Data Frame with schema",
	"description": "This step will load a file from the provided URL using the provided schema",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "url",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_url"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "format",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_format"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "separator",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!input_separator"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "schema",
		"required": true,
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.loadFileWithSchema"

Add this as the first entry in the steps array.

Save the JSON

Save the pipeline json to a file named execution-pipelines.json

Extraction Pipelines

Additional pipelines will be created that take the DataFrame generated in the ROOT execution (available as a global lookup) and extract specific fields of data. Each pipeline will generate a new DataFrame which will be added to the globals object of the final execution.

Two new steps are required to perform this process:

  • Create a new object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named SplitSteps
  • Create a function named selectFields and declare two parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • fieldNames: List[String]
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Create the function below:
def selectFields(dataFrame: DataFrame, fieldNames: List[String]): DataFrame = : _*)
  • Open the object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named GroupingSteps
  • Create a function named groupByField and declare two parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • groupField: String
  • Give the function a return type of DataFrame
  • Insert the following code into the body of the function:
dataFrame.groupBy( => dataFrame( _*).agg(dataFrame(groupByField))

Four pipelines will need to be created and stored in the execution-pipelines.json file. Note: That these four pipelines use the exact same steps except that some of the parameters are different. The DriverSetup could be used to optimize the data.

Extract Product Data Pipeline (PROD)

This pipeline will take the DataFrame loaded in the first execution pipeline and use it as a parameter for the first step in the pipeline. The MAPFIELDSSTEP relies on the execution id being ROOT.

  "name": "Extract Product Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
            "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
            "stepId": "772912d6-ee6a-5228-ae7a-0127eb2dce37",
            "displayName": "Selects a subset of fields from a DataFrame",
            "description": "Creates a new DataFrame which is a subset of the provided DataFrame",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "!ROOT.pipelineParameters.LOAD_DATA_PIPELINE.LOADFILESTEP.primaryReturn"
			  	"type": "list",
			  	"name": "fieldNames",
			  	"required": true,
			  	"value": ["product_id", "product_name", "cost"]
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "SplitSteps.selectFields"
            "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
            "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
            "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
                "type": "string",
                "name": "groupByField",
                "required": true,
                "value": "product_id"
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

Extract Customer Data Pipeline (CUST)

This pipeline will take the DataFrame loaded in the first execution pipeline and use it as a parameter for the first step in the pipeline. The MAPFIELDSSTEP relies on the execution id being ROOT.

  "name": "Extract Customer Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
            "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
            "stepId": "772912d6-ee6a-5228-ae7a-0127eb2dce37",
            "displayName": "Selects a subset of fields from a DataFrame",
            "description": "Creates a new DataFrame which is a subset of the provided DataFrame",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "!ROOT.pipelineParameters.LOAD_DATA_PIPELINE.LOADFILESTEP.primaryReturn"
			  	"type": "list",
			  	"name": "fieldNames",
			  	"required": true,
			  	"value": [
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "SplitSteps.selectFields"
            "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
            "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
            "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
                "type": "string",
                "name": "groupByField",
                "required": true,
                "value": "customer_id"
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

Extract Credit Card Data Pipeline (CC)

This pipeline will take the DataFrame loaded in the first execution pipeline and use it as a parameter for the first step in the pipeline. The MAPFIELDSSTEP relies on the execution id being ROOT.

  "name": "Extract Credit Card Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
            "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
            "stepId": "772912d6-ee6a-5228-ae7a-0127eb2dce37",
            "displayName": "Selects a subset of fields from a DataFrame",
            "description": "Creates a new DataFrame which is a subset of the provided DataFrame",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "!ROOT.pipelineParameters.LOAD_DATA_PIPELINE.LOADFILESTEP.primaryReturn"
			  	"type": "list",
			  	"name": "fieldNames",
			  	"required": true,
			  	"value": [
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "SplitSteps.selectFields"
            "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
            "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
            "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
                "type": "string",
                "name": "groupByField",
                "required": true,
                "value": "customer_id"
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

Extract Order Data Pipeline (ORD)

This pipeline will take the DataFrame loaded in the first execution pipeline and use it as a parameter for the first step in the pipeline. The MAPFIELDSSTEP relies on the execution id being ROOT.

  "name": "Extract Order Data Pipeline",
  "steps": [
            "id": "MAPFIELDSSTEP",
            "stepId": "772912d6-ee6a-5228-ae7a-0127eb2dce37",
            "displayName": "Selects a subset of fields from a DataFrame",
            "description": "Creates a new DataFrame which is a subset of the provided DataFrame",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "nextStepId": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "!ROOT.pipelineParameters.LOAD_DATA_PIPELINE.LOADFILESTEP.primaryReturn"
			  	"type": "list",
			  	"name": "fieldNames",
			  	"required": true,
			  	"value": [
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "SplitSteps.selectFields"
            "id": "GROUPDATASTEP",
            "stepId": "99ad5ed4-b907-5635-8f2a-1c9012f6f5a7",
            "displayName": "Performs a grouping and aggregation of the data",
            "description": "Performs a grouping across all columns in the DataFrame and aggregation using the groupByField of the data.",
            "type": "Pipeline",
            "params": [
                "type": "string",
                "name": "dataFrame",
                "required": true,
                "value": "@MAPFIELDSSTEP"
                "type": "string",
                "name": "groupByField",
                "required": true,
                "value": "order_num"
            "engineMeta": {
              "spark": "GroupingSteps.groupByField"

Final Pipeline

Now that the data has been loaded and processed into different forms, a final pipeline will be responsible for writing the data to a Mongo data store. This pipeline is only here to show a multi-parent dependency relationship. It would probably be more optimal to have each of the other pipelines write as a last step.

A new library (mongo connector) and a new step will be required.

First thing is to include the new library in the pom.xml file. Add this entry to the dependencies section:

  • Open the object in the com.acxiom.pipeline.steps package named InputOutputSteps
  • Create a function named writeDataFrameToMongo and declare three parameters:
    • dataFrame: DataFrame
    • uri: String
    • collectionName: String
  • Give the function a return type of Unit
  • Insert the following code as the function:
def writeDatFrameToMongo(dataFrame: DataFrame, uri: String, collectionName: String): Unit =, WriteConfig(Map("collection" -> collectionName, "uri" -> uri)))

Final Pipeline JSON

Add the following JSON to the execution-pipelines.json file:

"name": "Write Data Pipeline",
"steps": [
	"stepId": "6b9db56d-bed7-5838-9ed4-7b5e216617c4",
	"displayName": "Writes a DataFrame to a Mongo database",
	"description": "This step will write the contents of a DataFrame to the Mongo database and collection specified",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"nextStepId": "CUSTWRITESTEP",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "dataFrame",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!PROD.pipelineParameters.EXTRACT_PRODUCT_DATA_PIPELINE.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "uri",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!mongoURI"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "collectionName",
		"required": true,
		"value": "products"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.writeDataFrameToMongo"
	"stepId": "6b9db56d-bed7-5838-9ed4-7b5e216617c4",
	"displayName": "Writes a DataFrame to a Mongo database",
	"description": "This step will write the contents of a DataFrame to the Mongo database and collection specified",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"nextStepId": "CCWRITESTEP",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "dataFrame",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!CUST.pipelineParameters.EXTRACT_CUSTOMER_DATA_PIPELINE.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "uri",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!mongoURI"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "collectionName",
		"required": true,
		"value": "customers"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.writeDataFrameToMongo"
	"stepId": "6b9db56d-bed7-5838-9ed4-7b5e216617c4",
	"displayName": "Writes a DataFrame to a Mongo database",
	"description": "This step will write the contents of a DataFrame to the Mongo database and collection specified",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"nextStepId": "ORDWRITESTEP",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "dataFrame",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!CC.pipelineParameters.EXTRACT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA_PIPELINE.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "uri",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!mongoURI"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "collectionName",
		"required": true,
		"value": "creditCards"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.writeDataFrameToMongo"
	"stepId": "6b9db56d-bed7-5838-9ed4-7b5e216617c4",
	"displayName": "Writes a DataFrame to a Mongo database",
	"description": "This step will write the contents of a DataFrame to the Mongo database and collection specified",
	"type": "Pipeline",
	"params": [
		"type": "string",
		"name": "dataFrame",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!ORD.pipelineParameters.EXTRACT_ORDER_DATA_PIPELINE.GROUPDATASTEP.primaryReturn"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "uri",
		"required": true,
		"value": "!mongoURI"
		"type": "string",
		"name": "collectionName",
		"required": true,
		"value": "orders"
	"engineMeta": {
	  "spark": "InputOutputSteps.writeDataFrameToMongo"

Create a DriverSetup

Now that the pipelines have been defined, there needs to be a DriverSetup that can create the execution plan.

(parameters: Map[String, Any])
  • Initialize the SparkConf:
private val sparkConf = new SparkConf().set("",
			",," +
				",org.apache." +
  • Initialize the SparkSession:
private val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
  • Initialize the PipelineContext:
private val ctx = PipelineContext(Some(sparkConf), Some(sparkSession), Some(parameters),
			PipelineParameters(List(PipelineParameter("SIMPLE_DATA_PIPELINE", Map[String, Any]()))),
			Some(if (parameters.contains("stepPackages")) {
			} else {
  • Load the pipelines:
	private val pipelineList = DriverUtils.parsePipelineJson(Source.fromFile(new File(parameters.getOrElse("pipelinesJson", "").asInstanceOf[String])).mkString)
		private val executionPlan = List(
			PipelineExecution("ROOT", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "LOAD_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, None),
			PipelineExecution("PROD", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "EXTRACT_PRODUCT_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, Some(List("ROOT"))),
			PipelineExecution("CUST", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "EXTRACT_CUSTOMER_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, Some(List("ROOT"))),
			PipelineExecution("CC", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "EXTRACT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, Some(List("ROOT"))),
			PipelineExecution("ORD", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "EXTRACT_ORDER_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, Some(List("ROOT"))),
			PipelineExecution("SAVE", pipelineList.get.filter("") == "WRITE_DATA_PIPELINE"), None, ctx, Some(List("PROD", "CUST", "CC", "ORD"))),
  • Override the pipelines function to return an empty List:
override def pipelines: List[Pipeline] = List()
  • Override the initialPipelineId function to return an empty string.
  • Override the pipelineContext function This should be the root context:
override def pipelineContext: PipelineContext = ctx
  • Override the executionPlan function to return a list containing six executions:
override def executionPlan: Option[List[PipelineExecution]] = Some(executionPlan)


The code may be run using the provided application jar for the main jar and the metalus-common and metalus-examples jars provided to the –jars parameter.

Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.3:

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.3-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.ExecutionPlanDataDriverSetup \
--input_url <location of input file> \
--input_format <csv, parquet, etc...> \
--input_separator , \
--pipelinesJson <path to the execution-pipelines.json file>
--mongoURI <URI to connect to the Mongo DB> \
--logLevel DEBUG

Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.4:

spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars metalus-common_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar,metalus-examples_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar  \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.ExecutionPlanDataDriverSetup \
--input_url <location of input file> \
--input_format <csv, parquet, etc...> \
--input_separator , \
--pipelinesJson <path to the execution-pipelines.json file>
--mongoURI <URI to connect to the Mongo DB> \
--logLevel DEBUG