
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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#DeltaLakeSteps This object exposes basic steps for working with deltalake tables

##Update Single Column for Deltalake Updates a single column for a deltalake table. Equivalent to the following sql:

UPDATE <table> SET <column> = <value> WHERE <condition>
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • column - The column to update.
  • value - The value expression to use.
  • condition - An optional where clause.

##Update Deltalake Table Updates one or more columns for a deltalake table. Each entry in the set Map represents a column name and value expression. Equivalent to the following sql:

UPDATE <table>
 SET <key1> = <value1>,
     <key2> = <value2>,
WHERE <condition>
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • set - Map of column names and update expressions.
  • condition - An optional where clause.

##Delete Deltalake Table Delete records from a deltalake table. Equivalent to the following sql:

DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <condition>
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • condition - An optional where clause.

##Upsert Deltalake Table Merge a dataFrame with a deltalake table, updating matched columns and insert all others. Equivalent to the following sql:

MERGE INTO <target> as <targetAlias>
USING <source> as source
ON <mergeCondition>
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • source - The source DataFrame to merge into the delta table.
  • mergeCondition - The the join condition for the merge.
  • sourceAlias - The alias for the source table. Default is ‘source’.
  • targetAlias - The alias for the delta table. Default is ‘target’.
  • whenMatched - Optional condition for the whenMatched clause.
  • whenNotMatched - Optional condition for the whenNotMatched clause.

##Upsert Deltalake Table Merge a dataFrame with a deltalake table. The whenMatched, deleteWhenMatched, and whenNotMatched parameters use a MatchCondition to represent the conditions/expression pairs. Equivalent to the following sql:

MERGE INTO <target> as <targetAlias>
USING <source> as <sourceAlias>
ON <mergeCondition>
WHEN MATCHED [AND <matchCondition>] THEN UPDATE SET [<expressions> | *]
WHEN NOT MATCHED [AND <matchCondition>] THEN INSERT [<expressions> | *]
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • source - The source DataFrame to merge into the delta table.
  • mergeCondition - The the join condition for the merge.
  • sourceAlias - The alias for the source table. Default is ‘source’.
  • targetAlias - The alias for the delta table. Default is ‘target’.
  • whenMatched - Condition and expression pair for matched records.
  • deleteWhenMatched - Condition for deleting records when matched.
  • whenNotMatched - Condition and expression pair for insert records when not matched.

##Vacuum Deltalake Table Vacuum records from a deltalake table. Equivalent to the following sql:

VACUUM <table> [RETAIN <retentionHours> HOURS]
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • retentionHours - Optional hours of data to retain.

##Get Delta Table History Get the history dataFrame for a delta table. Equivalent to the following sql:

DESCRIBE HISTORY <table> [LIMIT <limit>]
  • path - The path to the deltalake table.
  • limit - Optional number of previous commands to retrieve.