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This object exposes some basic string functions.
##To String Calls the toString method of any object passed. Can unwrap options.
- value - Object to call toString on.
- unwrapOption - Optional flag to enable Option unwrapping. Defaulted to false.
List To String
Given a list, will call the mkString function.
- list - List to call mkString on.
- separator - Optional separator to be used.
- unwrapOption - Optional flag to enable Option unwrapping. Defaulted to false.
##Uppercase Calls “uppercase” on the given string.
- value - The string to uppercase.
##Lowercase Calls “lowercase” on the given string.
- value - The string to lowercase.
##String Split Splits the given string into a list based on the given regex.
- string - The string to split.
- regex - Regex used to split te string. Can also be a simple separator.
- limit - Optional limit on the number of times the pattern is applied.
##Substring Returns a substring based on the given string.
- string - The string to use.
- begin - The start index of the substring.
- end - Optional end index. If not provided, will stretch to the end of the string.
##String Equals Returns whether the two given strings are equals. Can perform a case insensitive operation.
- string - First string to compare.
- anotherString - Second string to compare.
- caseInsensitive - Optional flag to indicate whether a case insensitive comparison should be performed. Defaults to false.
##String Matches Returns whether the given string is matched by the provided regex.
- string - String to match.
- regex - Pattern to use.
##String Replace All Performs a replacement on a string. By default, this will treat the match string as a regex. A literal match can be performed by setting the literal flag to true.
- string - String to perform the replace on.
- matchString - Pattern or literal string to be replaced.
- replacement - The replacement string.
- literal - Optional boolean flag to indicate whether match string is a regex. Default is false.
##String Replace First Performs a replacement on the first match on a given string. By default, this will treat the match string as a regex. A literal match can be performed by setting the literal flag to true.
- string - String to perform the replace on.
- matchString - Pattern or literal string to be replaced.
- replacement - The replacement string.
- literal - Optional boolean flag to indicate whether match string is a regex. Default is false.