
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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This step object provides a way to read and write via JDBC. A case class named JDBCStepOptions is provided that accepts a url, a table name, and a Map[String, String] of properties. There are six step functions provided:

##Read With JDBCOptions Given a JDBCOptions object, this step will read a table into a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • jDBCOptions - A JDBCOptions object used to connect.

Read With StepOptions

This step uses a JDBCDataFrameReaderOptions, which should be used if more control on the underlying DataFrameReader object is desired. Using the provided options, this step will read a table over jdbc into a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • jDBCStepOptions - A JDBCDataFrameReaderOptions object used to connect.

Read With Properties

This step allows for a list of predicates to be provided, allowing for more control over the partitioning behavior when reading the table. Given a url and table name, this step will read a table into a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • url - A valid jdbc url.
  • table - A table name or sub query
  • predicates - An optional Array[String] of predicates used for partitioning
  • connectionProperties - Optional Map[String,String] of properties for the given format.

Write With JDBCOptions

Given a JDBCOptions object and a DataFrame, this step will write to a table via JDBC. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • dataFrame - A dataFrame to be written via JDBC.
  • jDBCOptions - A JDBCOptions object used to connect.
  • saveMode - The Writing behavior. Valid values: (Append, Overwrite, ErrorIfExists, Ignore). The default value is “Overwrite”.

Write With StepOptions

This step uses a JDBCDataFrameWriterOptions, which should be used if more control on the underlying DataFrameWriter object is desired. Using the provided options, this step will write to a table via JDBC. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • dataFrame - A dataFrame to be written via JDBC.
  • jDBCStepOptions - A JDBCDataFrameWriterOptions object used to connect.

Write With Properties

Given a url and table name, this step will write to a table via JDBC. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • dataFrame - A dataFrame to be written via JDBC.
  • url - A valid jdbc url.
  • table - A table name or sub query
  • connectionProperties - Optional Map[String,String] of properties for the given format.
  • saveMode - The Writing behavior. Valid values: (Append, Overwrite, ErrorIfExists, Ignore). The default value is “Overwrite”.

Get JDBC Connection

Given a url and map of properties, this step will return a jdbc connection. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • url - A valid jdbc url.
  • properties - Optional Map[String,String] of connection properties.

Execute Sql

Given a sql statement and jdbc connection, this step will execute the statement and return a List[Map[String, Any]] containing the results. If the statement is an update, the results list will be empty. A namedResult, count, will also be provided, to represent the number of records returned/modified. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • sql - Sql command to execute.
  • connection - JDBC Connection object.
  • properties - Optional List[String] of bind variables.

Close JDBC Connection

This step can be used to close the Connection object returned by Get JDBC Connection.

  • connection - An open connection object.