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Download File and Store in Bronze Zone

This step group pipeline will copy a file from an SFTP location to an HDFS location (using pipeline SG_SftpToHdfs as a step-group step). It then parses the new data, performs some basic maintenance (standardize column names, adds a record id and the file id to each row) and stores it in a Parquet datastore.

General Information

Id: f4835500-4c4a-11ea-9c79-f31d60741e3b

Name: DownloadToBronzeHdfs

Required Parameters

Required parameters are indicated with a *:

  • sftpHost * - The host name/ip of the SFTP server
  • sftpUsername * - The username of the SFTP server
  • sftpPassword * - The password of the SFTP server
  • sftpPort - The optional SFTP port. Defaults to 22
  • sftpInputPath * - The path to the file on the SFTP server
  • landingPath * - The HDFS path where the file should be landed
  • inputBufferSize - The size of the buffer for the input stream. Defaults to 65536
  • outputBufferSize - The size of the buffer for the output stream. Defaults to 65536
  • readBufferSize - The size of the buffer used to transfer from input to output. Defaults to 32768
  • inputReaderOptions * - The DataFrameReader options for the selected input file.
  • bronzeZonePath * - The HDFS path for the root bronze zone folder
  • fileId * - The unique id for the file being processed.