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DataSteps provides the user with steps that can help process data. This includes grooupBy, join, union and adding columns.
##join() This step will join two data frames together. An optional string expression can be provided. Consult the spark documents for a complete list of supported join types.
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |left|Dataset[]|left side of the join| n/a | |right|Dataset[]|right side of the join| n/a | |expression|String|optional join expression|n/a| |leftAlias|String|alias for the left side of the join|left| |rightAlias|String|alias for the right side of the join|right| |joinType|String|type of join to perform| inner|
##groupBy() This step will perform a group by operation on the provided data frame. The resulting DataFrame will have a combination of the grouping expressions and aggregations provided.
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|data frame to group| n/a | |groupings|List[String]|list of string expressions to group on|n/a| |aggregations|List[String]|list of string aggregate expressions|n/a|
##union() This step will perform a union operation. The underlying implementation calls spark’s union by name function, so column order is irrelevant. UNION ALL and UNION DISTINCT behavior can be toggled, and will perform a DISTINCT by default.
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[]|initial data frame| n/a | |append|Dataset[]|data frame to append| n/a | |distinct|Boolean|flag to indicate whether a distinct should be performed|true|
This step will apply a filter to an existing data frame returning only rows that pass the expression criteria. The expression is passed as a String and acts much like a ‘where’ clause in a sql statement. Any columns on the input dataframe can be used in the expression.
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|a data frame containing data to be filtered| n/a | |expression|String|the expression containing the filter criteria|n/a|
This step will add a unique Id to an existing dataframe (using the ‘monatonically_increase_id’ spark udf)
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |idColumnName|String|the name to use for the newly created attribute| n/a | |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|the data frame to modify| n/a |
This step will add a static value to every row of an existing DataFrame
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|the data frame to modify| n/a | |columnName|String|the name for the new attribute| n/a | |columnValue|Any|the string value to set for the new attribute on each row| n/a | |standardizeColumnName|Boolean|flag to control whether the column name should be standardized|true|
This step will get a count of the records in a DataFrame
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|the DataFrame to count| n/a |
This step will get a count of the records in a DataFrame
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|the DataFrame to drop duplicate records from| n/a | |columnNames|String|column names to use for determining distinct values to drop| n/a |
This step will rename a column in a DataFrame
Input Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Default | | — |:—|:— |:—:| |dataFrame|Dataset[_]|the DataFrame to change| n/a | |oldColumnName|String|the name of the column you want to change| n/a | |newColumnName|String|the new name to give the column| n/a |