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This step object builds DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter objects. There are two step functions provided:
Get DataFrameReader
Given a DataFrameReaderOptions object, this step will build a DataFrameReader. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrameReaderOptions - DataFrameReaderOptions object used to configure the DataFrameReader.
Load DataFrame
Given a DataFrameReaderOptions object, this step will load a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrameReaderOptions - DataFrameReaderOptions to use.
Load Using DataFrameReader
Given a DataFrameReader object, this step will load a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrameReader - DataFrameReader to use.
Get DataFrameWriter
Given a DataFrameWriterOptions object, this step will build a DataFrameWriter[_]. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrameWriterOptions - DataFrameWriterOptions object used to configure the DataFrameWriter.
Save DataFrame
Given a DataFrame and DataFrameWriterOptions object, this step will save a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrame - DataFrame to save
- dataFrameWriterOptions - DataFrameWriterOptions to use.
Save Using DataFrameWriter
Given a DataFrameWriter[_] object, this step will save a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:
- dataFrameWriter - DataFrameWriter to use.
Persist DataFrame
Given a DataFrame object and optional storage level, this step will persist the data. Full parameter descriptions listed below:
- dataFrame - The DataFrame to persist.
- storageLevel - A string name of the storage level desired.
Unpersist DataFrame
Mark the DataFrame as non-persistent and and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk. Full parameter descriptions listed below:
- dataFrame - The DataFrame to unpersist.
- blocking - Flag indicating whether the operation should block.
Repartition DataFrame
Repartition the dataFrame to have the provided number of partitions. Full parameter descriptions listed below:
- dataFrame - The DataFrame to repartition.
- partitions - The desired number of partitions.
- rangePartition - Optional flag to indicate whether partitionByRange should be used. Defaults to false.
- shuffle - Optional flag to indicate whether a shuffle needs to be performed. Defaults to true.
- partitionExpressions - Optional list of expressions used to sort data into partitions.
Sort DataFrame
Sort the DataFrame based on the provided list of expressions. Full parameter descriptions listed below:
- dataFrame - The DataFrame to sort.
- expressions - The List of sort expressions.
- descending - Optional flag to indicate whether sort order should be descending. When true, will apply the desc function to each provided expression. Defaults to false.