
This project aims to make writing Spark applications easier by abstracting the effort to assemble the driver into reusable steps and pipelines.

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This step object provides a way to read from and write to a Catalog. To use these, hive support should be enabled on the spark context. The There are two step functions provided:

Write DataFrame

This function will write a given DataFrame to a Catalog table. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • dataFrame - A dataFrame to be written to HDFS.
  • table - The Catalog table name.
  • options - Optional DataFrameWriterOptions object to configure the DataFrameWriter.

Read DataFrame

This function will read a hive table into a DataFrame. Full parameter descriptions are listed below:

  • table - The Catalog table name.
  • options - Optional DataFrameReaderOptions object to configure the DataFrameReader.

Drop Catalog Object

This function will perform a drop operation. Toggles are available to control casecade and “If exists” behavior.

  • name - The Catalog object to drop.
  • objectType - The type of object to drop. Default value is TABLE.
  • ifExists - Boolean flag that, when true, will prevent an error from being raised if the object name is not found. Default value is false.
  • cascade - Boolean flag to toggle cascading deletion behavior. Default value is false.

Create Table

This function will create a table, managed or external, based on the provided options. By default, the format will be “hive”.

  • name - The table name.
  • externalPath - Optional path of the external table. If not provided, the table will be manged by the meta store.
  • options - Optional DataFrameReaderOptions providing the format, schema, and other options for the table.

Database Exists

This function will check if a given database exists

  • name - The database name.

Table Exists

This function will check if a given database exists

  • name - The table name.
  • database - Optional database name

Set Current Database

This function will set the default database for the current spark session to the provided database name.

  • name - The database name.