Pipeline Manager
The pipeline manager is used to retrieve pipelines within an application or step group.
Cached Pipeline Manager
The default implementation of PipelineManager takes a list of pipelines and serves them by id. Additionally, this
implementation will attempt to scan the step libraries metadata/pipelines path looking for the pipeline. The pipeline
must be in a JSON file with the following naming convention: <pipeline.id>.json
Custom Implementation
Developers may create a custom implementation by implementing the PipelineManager trait and overriding the getPipeline function. Implementation functions that are not able to resolve pipelines should call super.getPipeline as a default to have the classpath will be scanned.
Example File Implementation
This example illustrates how to implement a new PipelineManager that loads pipelines from disk. Walking through the implementation, the new class LocalFilePipelineManager extends PipelineManager with a single constructor parameter named path which indicates where to look for pipeline json. NOTE: Implementations could load pipeline classes instead of JSON based pipelines.
Next the getPipeline function is overridden to look for pipelines in the path provided in the constructor.
class LocalFilePipelineManager(path: String) extends PipelineManager {
override def getPipeline(id: String): Option[Pipeline] = {
if (new java.io.File(path, s"$id.json").exists()) {
val pipelineList = DriverUtils.parsePipelineJson(Source.fromFile(new java.io.File(path, s"$id.json")).mkString)
if (pipelineList.isDefined && pipelineList.get.nonEmpty) {
} else {
} else {