Metalus Application
This project provides a single self contained jar containing the metalus core and some third party libraries required to run a basic application.
Submit a job locally:
Start a local Spark:
Open a terminal window and change to the local Spark directory. Note: the version of Spark dictates the version of the jars that need to be used.
Scala 2.11 Spark 2.4: metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.4-
Once the master and worker has been started, the UI may be accessed using these URLs:
Master: http://localhost:8080/ Worker: http://localhost:8081/
Start the master:
sbin/ -h localhost -p 7077
Start the worker:
sbin/ localhost:7077 -h localhost
Stop the worker
Stop the master
Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.4:
spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars <extra step jars> \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.11-spark_2.4-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.applications.DefaultApplicationDriverSetup \
--applicationConfigPath <location of application-example.json> \
--logLevel DEBUG
### Run the spark-submit command for Spark 2.4:
spark-submit --class com.acxiom.pipeline.drivers.DefaultPipelineDriver \
--master spark://localhost:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
--jars <extra step jars> \
<jar_path>/metalus-application_2.12-spark_3.0-<VERSION>.jar \
--driverSetupClass com.acxiom.pipeline.applications.DefaultApplicationDriverSetup \
--applicationConfigPath <location of application-example.json> \
--logLevel DEBUG