Flow Control
Metlaus offers several ways to control the flow of a pipeline:
Execute If Empty
Pipeline steps have a special attribute named executeIfEmpty which will only execute a step if the value being evaluated is empty. The value may be static or mapped like step parameters.
This feature is useful for optimizing applications that use chained pipelines which could benefit from sharing resources. Consider an application that runs two pipelines, during the execution of the first pipeline a DataFrame is created that reads from a parquet table and performs some operations. The second pipeline also needs to read data from the parquet table. However, since the second pipeline may be restarted without the first pipeline being executed, it will need a step that reads the data from the parquet table. By passing the DataFrame from the first pipeline into the executeIfEmpty attribute, the step will only be executed if the the DataFrame is missing. This allows sharing the DAG across pipelines which will also allow Spark to perform optimizations.
The branch step type provides a decision point in the flow of a pipeline. This step adds a new parameter type of result that is used to determine the nextStepId. The logic in the step function must return a value that may be matched to one of the parameters by name. As an example, if there are three result type parameters defined (“One”, “Two”, “Three”), then the output of the branch step, must be either “One”, “Two” or “Three” in order to keep processing. In the case there is no match, then processing for that pipeline will stop normally. When defining this type of step, the type should be “branch”.
Step Group
The step-group type step provides a mechanism for embedding pipelines within another pipeline. Additional information may be found here.
The fork and join step types are simple constructs that allow processing a list of data in a loop like construct and then joining the results back for further processing. More information may be found here.
The split and merge step types allow pipeline designers the ability to run different step sequences in parallel. The merge step is used to indicate where the executions should stop and normal processing resume. More information may be found here.
Stop Execution
There are two ways to stop pipelines:
- PipelineStepMessage - A step may register a message and set the type of either pause or error that will prevent additional pipelines from executing. The current pipeline will complete execution.
- PipelineStepException - A step may throw an exception based on the PipelineStepException which will stop the execution of the current pipeline.
Throwing an exception that is not a PipelineStepException will result in the application stopping and possibly being restart.