Advanced Step Features
Several advanced step features are made available by Metalus.
Step Parameter Validation
Additional step parameter validation may be enabled on the command line. More information may be found here.
Pipeline Context Update
The PipelineContext is immutable within a step, however there are a few features in place that allow steps to update globals and the metrics on the step audit. In order to use these features, a step function must return a PipelineStepResponse.
Using the secondary named map, a step may add a value that begins with $globals. to update or add an entry to the globals object once the step has completed. Any number of these parameters are allowed.
Global Links
Using the secondary named map, a step may add a value that begins with $globalLink. to update or add an entry to the global links object once the step has completed. Any number of these parameters are allowed.
Using the secondary named map, a step may add a value that begins with $metrics. to update or add an entry to the step audit once the step has completed. Any number of these parameters are allowed.